Wzrost konkurencyjności Spółki Folpolter poprzez wdrożenie innowacji wzorniczych
Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego w ramach Działania 1.4 Wzór na konkurencję Etap II
Programu Operacyjnego Polska Wschodnia.
Folpolter exists since 2009. In such a short time, we have become a significant and competitive company in the packaging industry. Constant development is the result of professionalism, creativity and an individual approach to each client.
Stretch film is our flagship product. The Folpolter logo is one of the best known in our region. It is produced on a specially designed production line, which allows for maintaining production repeatability, maintaining set standards and optimizing the entire production process from the preparation of the project through its implementation to the delivery of the goods to the customer.
Stretch foil
Stretch foil is the most popular packaging material in the world. It is characterized by an attractive price and ease of use. This foil is mainly used to protect objects from mechanical damage and weather conditions.
Polyethylene film
PE film is a flexible product that retains its flexibility even at -60 ° C. It is characterized by odor and susceptibility to welding. We offer in the form of tapes, sleeves and half-sleeves.
PP tape
Tape used to secure cardboard packaging. It can be used in spanning machines and with the use of manual devices. After welding, it creates a permanent closed circuit.
We have a large assortment of high quality accessories that facilitate work with our products - including dispensers, tensioners, corners, unwinders, etc.
Folpolter II Sp. k
(dawniej: FOLPOLTER II Sp. z o.o. Sp. k.)
ul. Niegłowicka 47B
38-200 Jasło